Friday, April 13, 2012


Due date is a moot term, really it's at best a guess date. Between people who have their "due date" changed mid-pregnancy because they have found the baby to be farther along, to women like my mom whose normal pregnancies ran 42 weeks there really isn't any way to know once you hit 37 weeks if it could be "any day now" or "still a month to go".

We expected me to go all of the way to 42 weeks when we first got pregnant, but throughout this time anyone who has talked to us knows we wished and hoped that I'd go into labor before 40 weeks. Now we are just hoping before we have the extra cost of another ultrasound next week.

So, the "plan" is to naturally tell baby it's time for him/her to come before Friday the 20th or I have to have a nonstress test and an ultrasound to make sure baby and fluid is all still good.

Either way, it's either how I expect it or how I hope it to be.

That's where we are sitting...wanting to be out of this, but knowing that it's fine if we aren't.

Until something happens, that's the Bump Report of the week. Week 40. Due Date Week.