Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Stove and Other Things

The last few days I've been busy in the kitchen. Now, like normal I didn't take any pictures, but I can tell you all about it. The past couple of months I have felt pretty bad (well, I didn't really feel too bad until I realized just how long it's been) about my lack of kitchen work. At the beginning of our marriage I started getting a little more adventurous in the kitchen and I tried to have at least a couple "real meals" each week. It's been a long time since I've been consistent about "real meals". I don't know if I am experiencing some last trimester "nesting" or if it's something else, but I've been desiring to make some really good food lately. So my kitchen has been busy.

Thursday - Meatloaf, fried hasbrowns, salad
Friday - Grilled Chicken (thanks to Chad), cheesy hashbrown casserole, sauteed asparagus
Friday - Boiled chicken for 7 cups shredded chicken in freezer
Friday - Most of dishes done
Saturday - Cream of Asparagus soup
Saturday - Rest of the dishes done
Saturday - Stove cleaned!!

That I did get pictures of...shiny stove!



Unknown said...

So if you were eating "real meals" what were you eating?

Mrs. Troyer said...

When I say "real meals" I'm thinking of meals my mom would make as apposed to hamburger helper or frozen pizza and other things of the sort.

So what I wrote is what I

Unknown said...

Gotcha. I make "real meals" most of the time. We rarely have frozen pizza or boxed meals, but I'm also not pregnant.