There are a few things I can count on with a morning with my mother.
- I will bring something to do and I won't even touch it.
- Some piano playing will happen (who knew I would miss it this much).
- I will teach (or reteach, but today was purely teach) my mom how to do something on the computer.
- My clothes will most likely get folded before I leave (unlike usual when I refuse to fold anything until 3 days later).
- My throat will hurt after talking as much as I do with her.
- An outpouring of questions I didn't know I had will happen.
- We will drink coffee, out of little cups.
- I leave with more than I arrived with, always.
- It's never enough time and we always have to cut the conversation off.
And, as my mom pointed out today, I'm pretty good at catching my dad before he escapes out of the house to go to the church office. Today it was to choose a song for a church special. We sang. I smiled. I miss that.
I smile remembering the feeling of home I had when I was driving home with two baskets of folded laundry, half a bag of potatoes, a turkey/rice/salsa/bean/burrito filling that became lunch, two bottles of ranch dressing, a hanging onion/tomato fridge container, four peanut butter kiss cookies, and a coat to borrow while I'm too big to fit into any of mine. There is a habit, a habit my mom has, of taking care of her children well, no matter wear they live. I can only pray that I'll take care of my children as she has taken care of us. I also pray that my children will see it as the love that I see it as coming from my mom.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with a loving home, with loving parents, who love each other, and love you!
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