Thursday, May 30, 2019

FlyLady Baby Steps Recap

Somehow I made it to the end of the 31 days. Not sure how that happened, but I turned the page and it said "Congratulations" at the bottom! So here's the recap of how the Baby Steps helped, didn't help, what stuck, hasn't stuck, and will still be worked on.

First off, I've always known that I'm a sucker for a list. Give me a functioning check list and I am a happy happy lady. I honestly believe that is a main reason why I had more success this time around than last time. I'm highly motivated by missing check marks. I haven't fallen in love with my time yet, though; and I really need to.

Just going down the list (mostly Fly Lady routines, a couple with my wording). I've been much more consistent or perfect at having my Morning Devotions, Getting Dressed to Shoes, Making my Bed, Rebooting my Laundry (completing a load a day), Rebooting my Dishes (completing a load a day), Knowing what's for Dinner, Closing up the Kitchen (shining my sink), 5 minute PUPA (Pick up put away) and Laying out Tomorrow's Outfit.

What hasn't stuck yet is pulling out the timer to attack a hot spot daily, or to declutter daily. I have been frustrated with my lack of progress on that, but not motivated enough to action. And one of the last routines added in the 31 days is the Swish and Swipe. I think I have completed it a total of 2 times.

So, time to move on, and here's what I'm doing next. I've taken the FlyLady's morning, afternoon, and evening routines (in the FlyingLessons section of the website) and customized to what I need to continue working on. Cue the newly created checklist with said routines.

For the next 30 days (the month of June) I am focusing on concreting these routines and adding decluttering and swish and swipe. June is a crazy, crazy month for us (staycation, close friend's wedding, and the church VBS that I lead music for) so I'm trying not to be too ambition with starting things. So even though I have written out the FlyLady basic weekly plan, I'm not holding myself to it. I do plan on trying to declutter in the weekly Zones, but not adding any of the other parts (detailed cleaning or missions) at this time. We'll see where we are sitting come July.

Mrs. Troyer


Grace said...

Good job! And waaaaaaah that wedding is my wedding!!