Friday, June 29, 2012

Pregnant Bellies

It could just be because I have a pretty big dislike of my post-preggo belly, but I've been missing the little kicks and movements as my constant companion. While here in bed in the middle of the night my tummy did a little gurgle. It brought tears to my eyes. I knew before I got pregnant how excited I was for a belly, and was surprised at the bitterness toward it at the end. Now, though, I desire the pregnant belly even more.

There! It's said! 10 weeks after Alexi was born I miss being pregnant. Boy that didn't take long!!



Unknown said...

Are you going to be the next mrs. Duggar? ;) is chad on board?.

Mrs. Troyer said...

Just because I miss it doesn't mean that I'm logically ready for that yet :) It'll be a bit before we try for it again. God could always overrule though...

Unknown said...

I was teasing of course, but you're right God knows when and how many children he will bless you with.