Friday, May 11, 2012

A Big Day - The First of Many

We've been growing in many ways over here. Physically little girl is getting longer and heavier; gaining head control; growing the sharpest nails I've ever had tickle/scratch me. Emotionally the Mr. and I have been growing more and more in love with this little pretty lady, and I'm very happy to report that I have recovered from the feeding lesson and bottle time is one of our favorite times. She is spending even more awake time and during that time has started focusing on our faces for brief pauses. And, if you ask my mother and me, she is most definitely smiling at more times then when she is farting!! Oh, and vocally she is expanding her skills too; she has added an ah (short a) with her cries and whines. Watching this rapid growth is the most rewarding thing I've ever experienced!

Yesterday we had a big things happen. First, I was able to button and zip my first pair of regular jeans!

Alexi took her first walk in the stroller to meet the ladies at the credit union and the food market.

I told the fun news of our walk to one of my dear friends and this was her response. I love my friends!

When we got home she had some tummy time in her crib which turned into her first nap in her crib. She was very chipper when she woke up too!

I'm so glad that this is my life! God is good!!