Friday, March 2, 2012

There Will Be Days Like This

I'm finding as this pregnancy comes closer and closer to a close (42 days to 40 weeks!!) I'm struggling to keep energy up. I can do nothing all day and still have no energy at the end of the day. Some days I'm able to trick my mind into thinking that the decaf coffee I'm drinking will give the caffeine punch I'm looking at. Yesterday was not one of those days.

Chad and I have been doing some preparing of the house and especially the bedroom for the two baby showers coming up this next week. So, here is where the dresser is going to be put.

And here is where the crib will go (with some minor furniture shifting if need be). And really that's about all we have room for right now. I have a rocker/play/sleeper on my registry too, that can double as a bassinet for the first couple months. It's foldable and storable, so it'll fit in the house. We are excitedly waiting to see where God is going to take us and what opportunities He is going to give us as we enter into this next phase. (hard to believe it's already time for the next phase...but here we are)