Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Learning Project

Something to know about me. I like to learn new things. School wasn't my favorite thing, but I enjoyed the learning part.

That's why I jumped at the chance to learn how to knit and crochet with my friends when I was 10. Crocheting was easy, once the tension was figured out. Knitting was a little more difficult. My friend Grace taught me the basics of knitting, and I had a TERRIBLE time with keeping stitches even and keeping them on the needle. I mostly fixed those two problems by making many many scarves. But I wanted something harder.

One of my friend's mom made her family knitted socks, and I thought, "Well, it can't be that hard, plus I'll wiz through it since it's a small project." I finished one sock, with terrible trouble, and with lots and lots of time. I then pushed it aside, frustrated. What was supposed to fit my foot, didn't. My tension had gone all wapper jawed on me again.

I entered my knitting slump. I'm not sure how long I went without knitting, but it was a while. During that time (around the beginning of my college years) there was some personal growth, in the way of maturity and growing patience that happened (two things that are ESSENTIAL with knitting).

Then came the fateful decision. About 2 and 1/2 years ago, my dad handed me an old pattern book that he found at a Goodwill store. In it he had circled the patterns of 3 sweaters and a sweater vest that he liked. On a shopping trip with my boyfriend at the time (yes, my husband now) I decided to get the yarn for the sweater vest. Little did I know what lay in store for me.

As with many things in life, I am finding that I learn best when doing something, this just happens to be a big something. It has taken me 2 almost 3 years (and I'm not done yet), but I have learn SO much.

(so sorry that it's sideways, don't know why it did that, but I can't figure out how to fix it)

This project taught me correct tension control, how to cable, how to cable without a cable needle, how to rip out large sections without tinkering (meaning I can now pull out my needle and get it back in without missing any stitches and messing it up), how to read a written pattern, count stitches, look at a stitch to see if it's right, perseverance, etc. and before it's over I will have learned how to block an item, assemble it, and add bindings.

After this project I have MANY in mind to do, because I've limited myself for the majority of these 2 almost 3 years to just this project. I know that after a project like this, I will have the confidence that I can do any pattern, or at least learn to. It may take me time, but that's all in the learning process

So dad, when I get this project done, not only will you hopefully have a sweater vest that fits, but I will be empowered to tackle the next crazy knitting project that jumps in my mind.



Mrs. Troyer said...

I officially cast off the second front side this morning!!!!!
So tomorrow I'm going to get it blocked then all I have are the bindings and the assembly. SO EXCITED!