This gathering was a pancake supper and hymn sing. About twenty church folk came out to sample the pastor, turned cook, turned pastor's pancake making skills (and were not let down) and enjoy sausage, maple syrup and chunky applesauce along side (provide by some of those in attendance).
Then came the best part. We were all given a hymnal with the instruction to find our favorite songs. The pastor, turned cook, turned pastor took his spot behind the piano and asked for the first song. 327 - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. You can't buy the sound that followed. The old piano in the back of the church singing out the old tune, the round tables with people of God joining voices in the praise of His name, the melody and harmonies balanced as an experienced choir would produce. It never ceases to amaze me (though you'd think I'd be used to it by now) how God blesses the gathering of His people to sing His praise.
Then the most amazing part. I'm joined in singing and my tummy starts to flutter. I smile to myself as I feel the signs that the child within me is moving around and I prepare for the long days to come before I feel our squirt again. But a couple minutes later, I feel it again. Our child was the most active he/she has ever been during the hymn sing when our hearts were joined in praise. I shared the news with those there and wondered at what it meant. I believe our little squirt was joining in the praise of our Maker. I know some medical person could give some perfectly logical explanation, but I don't need one. My child most likely can hear noises now, and I believe wholeheartedly that God has put the need to praise Him in His smallest of human creations.
What a great testimony of "faith of a child", when the child isn't even born yet!
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