Sunday, September 19, 2010

Update on 4 Simple Goals

but first, a little story/fact about me.

I have a love/hate relationship with change. I don't like dealing with it when I didn't chose it, but I NEED change way more often than most people. I blame that (and I swear I'm not complaining) on my childhood that was full of change, often. We moved not a huge amount, but more than the average I think...

That being said, habits and I don't usually go in the same sentence. I find it increasingly difficult to create new habits. 

To say that I'm struggling with my "simple" goals would suffice, I think. I'd rather say that they haven't become habits, making it difficult. 

Extra steps - I do alright with this when I have an excuse to go with someone. (Like forcing Chad to go with me) But Chad isn't with me everyday, so I have work to do here.

Psalm a Day - I thought if I would put it in the morning it would have more success than other reading plans I've tried. So far it has had more success; too bad more success doesn't mean that it's a habit. Still needs work, but I think I may be doing the best at this one!!!

Letter Writing - I lose inspiration when a lack of mail comes my way. I was just reminded tonight by my mother that putting the work into the friendship now may be a Godsend later. Even if it's a lot of work now, down the road those friendships and contacts I've worked at keeping around may blossom into a deeper and better friendship. We'll see if that inspires me any. (I'm doing the WORST on this one)

Mommy Time - This one is hard to rate. We both have pretty busy lives, but mostly, I've been trying to make time to be with my parents/mom, like helping with their large renter house project. With that time, I try to make the conversations matter, and the break times too! Can I just say, I love my parents!

So there you go. Be disappointed in me if you wish. To be honest, this is better than I thought I'd do, but I'm not giving up yet, gotta get better!!!!!

~ <3 ~